Long Island Auto Grills Plasti‐Dip
Are you thinking about getting the grills for your car painted? Maybe you just don’t want to decrease
the value of your car by spray painting or coating the grill yourself. Either way, having your car grill plastidipped the way to go. The great thing about plasti‐dip is that you can remove the
colorafter a certain period of time. This restores the original finish if you ever want to sell the
vehicle and it is fully reversible if you ever change your mind. The great thing about this is that you
can easily add another color as well, so if you want something a little brighter or if you want
something that stands out more, you shouldn’t have a problem at all.
Weather Resistant
Many people worry about getting their grills painted because they feel as though it will affect the
car. Plasti‐dip however is completely safe and it has very similar properties to rubber. This means
that it can withstand heat of up to 200 degrees and it also means that it is very durable as well, so
you don’t need to worry about flaking or peeling over time. In fact, many plasti‐dipped car parts can
go for years on end without experiencing any aesthetic problems and this is great if you want a long
lasting solution that won’t let you down.
Color Choice
Another great benefit of plasti‐dip is that you can access a huge range of colours. You can access
green, red, blue and even pearlescent colors in some cases. This gives you full creative control over
your car and it makes it easier than ever to find one that meets your requirements. Contact us today to see what we can do for you and your vehicle!